A new customer rewards program is out and about in Central Florida and it is called “My CFL Card”.

The card is sold by school and fund raising organizations for $20 and it provides the consumer with discounts and great deals at local restaurants, retail shops and more. At Framing 508 Gallery, when you use your CFL Card you will receive 15% off your purchase. The added benefit to using your CFL Card is that it keeps track of your purchases so once you’ve used a coupon you will store up rewards points! Not only will your coupons for your favorite merchants be electronically downloaded onto your each month, you will receive additional free items and savings when you use your rewards points! You will find more information by going to their website at: http://www.mycflcard.com . While you’re there, click on, ‘Oviedo Chicks Talk Show” and watch several different videos from businesses, wonderful cafe’s and restaurants in the area talk about what they do. This will give you a chance to know them before you visit. That’s what makes this program a wonderful concept and you can use the card knowing you are helping organizations reach their fund-raising goals. Of course, yours truly, your “Rae-of-Sunshine” has a video clip there about Framing 508 Gallery for your viewing pleasure. Click here for the show! www.oviedochicks.com
